Poopyhead Board Game In Stock Now

Try to beat your opponent in this lightning fast card game. Everybody tries to put down as quick as possible and in the right sequence: Toilet, Turd, Toilet Paper, Washing Hands (with no two cards of the same colour being allowed on top of each other). When a player has no more cards or cannot play anymore he hits the whoopie cushion. The player with the most cards left gets a fake turd (point) and a new round starts. The person with the fewest turds/points at the end of the game wins.

Players lay cards on the pile in the right colours and sequence: toilet, poo, wipe, and wash hands. As soon as a player is unable to play a card, they squeeze the whoopie cushion to end the round. The player with the most cards left must place a pile of poop on his head. After 5 rounds, the player with the most piles loses the game.